German Steroid Study Success
by Michael Mooney (from Issue No. 3, May 1996)
A new study shows that one of the most powerful oral anabolic steroids
improves lean muscle mass with no significant side-effects in HIV-positive men
and women. (1) Oxymetholone, formerly sold in the US as Anadrol-50, was given
for thirty weeks at a 150 mg/daily dose. Weight gain averaged 14.5% of bodyweight,
which is significant because there was no exercise program instituted, but it
is known that anabolic steroids exert their greatest effect when weightlifting
is employed. Notably, even the subset of patients burdened with AIDS-related infections
continued to gain weight on oxymetholone.
While oxymetholone is considered to be a harsh steroid with a high potential
for side-effects, the subjects were reported to have no significant problems
with liver function, water retention, virilization, and several side-effects
thought to be associated with its use, at a dose that is three times what many
bodybuilders would use, for considerably longer than they would generally use
The study didn't look at CD8+ T cell counts, which appear to be more correlative
with survival than CD4+ T cells,(2) which were not correlative with weight gain
in this study.
1. Oxymetholone promotes weight gain in patients with advanced human immunodeficienty
virus (HIV-1) infection. Hengge,
et al. Brit J Nutri (1996) 75:129-138]
2. CD8+ lymphocyte counts
and the risk of death in advanced HIV infection.
Schlumpberger JM, et al. J Family Practice (1994) 38(1):33-38.