Anabolic Steroids
For Immune Therapy

Anabolic Steroids -
Literature References Of Their Potential Uses For Immune Therapyby Michael Mooney & Carl Pileri (from Issue No, 3, May, 1996) This is a summary of literature references that show that anabolic steroids may benefit several immune diseases.

If your doctor is skeptical of your desire to experiment with anabolic steroid (AS) therapy, show this to them. Note: there aren't many studies yet on anabolic steroids and HIV. More soon.

  1. Masi AT, et al, "Hormonal and pregnancy relationships to rheumatoid arthritis: convergent effects with immunologic and microvascular systems." Sem Arth and Rheu (1995) Aug. 25.1: 1-27
    Comment: lower endogenous testosterone associated with higher incidence of rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

  2. Martens HF, et al, "Decreased testosterone levels in men with rheumatoid arthritis: effect of low dose prednisone therapy." J Rheum (1994) Aug. 21.8: 1427-31
    Comment: testosterone deficiency gives greater severity of RA and problems w/ PRED therapy.

  3. Van Vollenhoven RF, et al, "Estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone: can they be used to treat autoimmune diseases?" Cleveland Clinic J Med, 1994 Jul-Aug, 61(4):276-84
    Comment: testosterone and DHEA show promise while estrogens aggravate systemic lupus erythematosis.

  4. Athreya BH, et al, "Adeno-hypophyseal and sex hormones in pediatric rheumatic diseases." J Rheum (1993) Apr, 20.4 : 725-30
    Comment: low testosterone associated w/ worse lupus and RA.

  5. Cutolo M, et al, "Androgen replacement therapy in male patients with rheumatoid arthritis." Arth and Rheum (1991) Jan, 34.1 : 1-5
    Comment: testosterone useful in rheumatoid arthritis therapy.

  6. Steward A, et al, "Effects of androgens in models of rheumatoid arthritis." Agents and Actions (1992) Mar, 35.3-4: 268-72
    Comment: testosterone had significant inhibitory effects on inflammation and cartilage erosion.

  7. Lyden E, et al, "Effects of nandrolone propionate on experimental tumor growth and cancer cachexia." Metab, (1995) Apr, 44.4 : 445-51
    Comment: nandrolone didn't affect tumor growth, but helped cachexia.

  8. Ghia M, et al, "Assay of stanozolol for tumor initiating and promoting activity in two rat liver foci bioassays." Ca Letters (1992) 63 : 203-209
    Comment: no substantial evidence of stanozolol carcinogenicity even in high doses.

  9. Steroid Receptors and Disease Sheridan PJ, et al, eds., pgs. 297-308.
    Comment: excellent book detailing benefits of many anabolic-androgenic steroids in auto-immune arthritis, Sjogren's syndrome, thyroiditis, lupus, etc.

  10. Mendenhall CL, et al, "Anabolic steroid effects on immune function: differences between analogues." J Steroid Biochem Molec Biol (1990) 37.1 : 71-76
    Comment: some stimulatory effect on cell-mediated immune function w/ oxandrolone, and stanozolol.

  11. Li ZG, et al, "Effect of gonadal steroids on the production of IL-1 and IL-6 by blood mononuclear cells in vitro." Clin and Exp Rheu (1993) 11: 157-162
    Comment: testosterone decreased the catabolic IL-1.

  12. Huys JV, et al, "Effect of nandrolone decanoate on T-cell lymphocytes during radiotherapy." Clin Ther (1979) 2.5: 352-357
    Comment: nandrolone exerts protective effect on lymphocytes during radio-therapy.

  13. Ooshika Y, et al, "Effect of an anabolic steroid on the cellular immunity and post-operative evaluation of uterine cervical cancer." Jap J Cancer & Chemo (1984) Oct, 11.10 : 2177-84
    Comment: nandrolone enhanced macrophage and cell-mediated immune activity, prevented catabolism, and had no effect on tumor growth.

  14. Calabrese LH, et al, "The effects of anabolic steroids and strength training on the human immune response." Med Sci Sports Exerc (1989) Aug, 21.4: 386-92
    Comment: anabolic steroids increase natural killer cell activity, which can be important in disease like AIDS or cancer, but had a suppressive effect on immunoglobulins, especially IgA.

  15. Belch JF, et al. "The effect of increasing fibrinolysis in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: A double blind study of stanozolol. Quart J Med (1986) 58(225):19-27
    Comment: stanzolol (Winstrol) improved flexibility and decreased pain, possibly by improving removal of joint fibrin.


HIV and Anabolic Steroids

  1. Hengge UR, et al, "Oxymetholone promotes weight gain in patients with advanced human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1) infection." Brit J Nutri (1996) 75 : 129-138
    Comment: Oxymetholone (Anadrol) effects weight gain without problems over 30 weeks at 150 mg/day.

  2. Ehrichs L, "Testosterone may prevent AIDS wasting." Family Practice Oct. 10, 1994, p.36
    Comment: anabolic steroids effect weight gain for HIV, no liver problems with injectable testosterone.

  3. Berger JR, et al, "Effect of anabolic steroids on HIV-related wasting myopathy." So Med J (1993) Aug; 86.8 : 865-6
    Comment: oral stanozolol (Winstrol) caused weight gain with no problems.

  4.  Jekot WF, et al, "Treating HIV/AIDS patients with anabolic steroids." AIDS Patient Care (1993) Apr, 7.2 : 11-17
    Comment: steroids effected weight gain and supported immune function.

  5. Gilden D, "Weight loss: a role for growth hormone and anabolic steroids." AIDS Treatment News (1993) November 19, #187
    Comment: Dr. Chadsey said 75% of patients increased CD8+'s, 40% had CD4+ increases with AS therapy.

  6. Jeantils, et al, "Weight gain under oral testosterone undecanoate in AIDS. [letter]" Therapie (1993) 48.1 : 71-72
    Comment: AS effected weight gain, Beta-2 microglobulin decreased by 34%, and total lymphocytes increased by 9% (no subsets given).

  7. Bucher G, et al, "A prospective study of the safety and effect of nandrolone decanoate in HIV-positive patients" XI International Conference on AIDS - Final Abstract
    Comment: Nandrolone (Deca Durabolin) significantly increases lean body mass and CD8's with no effect on viral load or CD4's.

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